Kleingers Participates in Dayton Minority Business Partnership Program

The Kleingers Group recently participated in a special program coordinated by the Dayton Chamber of Commerce Minority Business Partnership intended to introduce high school students to careers in engineering, architecture, design and construction. A number of Dayton-area design and construction professionals developed an after-school program with topics related to design and construction. Seventeen students at Thurgood Marshall High School met once a week for 10 weeks this fall to learn about site planning, building and interior design, scheduling, cost estimating, financing, construction methods and other topics taught by local design and construction professionals. Ameen Bakare from The Kleingers Group taught the first session on site design back in September.
Recently, the students completed the course with a field trip to Miami University. The students toured the Western Residence Hall projects that are currently under construction. They also visited the Schools of Engineering and Architecture. Jim Kleingers accompanied the students on the trip.