Kleingers’ 2nd Charity Outing to Benefit Children’s Hunger Alliance

We are excited to announce our 2nd annual charity golf outing. The Kleingers Group invites golfers of all skill levels to enjoy 18 holes at the beautiful Hickory Hills Golf Club to compete for fun prizes. All proceeds from the outing will benefit the Children’s Hunger Alliance. Founded in 1970, the Children’s Hunger Alliance’s (CHA) mission is to ensure that children who live in food-insecure households receive healthy food, nutrition education, and physical activity. CHA is a statewide nonprofit organization passionate about ending childhood hunger in Ohio’s 88 counties. Based in Columbus with regional offices in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Toledo, they build strategic partnerships with schools and school districts, faith and community-based organizations, and state and local governments to provide nutritious meals to an average of 24,000 children daily.
Ready to register as a team or twosome?
Mark your calendar for September 24, 2018. The shotgun start begins promptly at 1:00 p.m. and concludes with a dinner reception and awards. There will be raffle prizes and other prizes for golfing challenges – Guess your shot, Closest to the Pin, Long Drive, and more – awarded at the reception. All participants will receive a special gift package.
The day includes green fees, golf cart, on-course refreshments and snacks, reception dinner, and special gift package:
- Foursome – $600.00
- Twosome – $300
- Dinner Only – $50
Visit our outing website to register
Interested in becoming a sponsor for our charity event?
There are multiple sponsorship opportunities available for the golf outing and dinner reception. Opportunities include:
- Hole Sponsor – $100 (includes sign at tee box)
- Beverage Cart Sponsor – $1,200 (includes banners on each of two beverage carts and foursome)
- Reception Sponsor – $1,200 (includes foursome)
- Prize Sponsor – $400
- Snack Sponsor – $400
All sponsors will be listed on the welcome banner, website, social media and announced at the dinner reception. For additional sponsorship details, click here.
To claim a sponsorship, reach out to Nick McCullough, Golf Outing Chairman,at 614. 882.4311 or nick.mccullough@kleingers.com or click here to secure online.
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you cannot attend our event, please consider a tax-deductible donation to our designated charity, Children’s Hunger Alliance. Your support is appreciated.