Happy Engineers Week!

Happy Engineer’s Week! This week we celebrate engineers and what they mean to the community. Here at Kleingers, we pride ourselves on helping to build better communities and we believe our engineers play a big part in that. This week is also about increasing the public dialogue about the need for engineers. With that in mind, we asked our team a few questions. The responses range from serious to sarcastic, but all of our engineers are clearly passionate about their work! Below are some of our favorite:
Who inspired you to be a civil engineer?
My high school math teacher who told me that since I was good at math and science, I should be an engineer. I wasn’t even sure what that meant! – Jennifer
I don’t know if there is specifically one individual who wholly inspired me, but I grew up in a new subdivision and I often had the chance to see civil engineering in action. What kid doesn’t like watching bulldozers, concrete trucks and pavers doing their thing? My dad was a surveyor in his “first career” so that definitely had an impact on my career choice as well. – Steve
Oooh that’s a toughy. Inspiration comes in many forms…I guess if I had to pick just one person it would be Justin Bieber, but it’s really neck and neck with Miley Cyrus….no Bieber….definitely Bieber – Greg
Legos of course! I love building stuff! – Michael
Why does the world need engineers?
Engineers provide practical, cost effective solutions to complicated problems. – Michael
To enable it to function. – Mike
To keep some black and white in the world and help everyone avoid all of those pretty, bright colors. – Steve
Engineers are imperative to designing our built environment. Without engineers, we would have an empty world with no roads, buildings, utilities, etc. – Jennifer
Almost everything we use, wear and eat has been enhanced at some level by an engineer. Engineers have an ability to analyze a problem and offer/design solutions. – Nick
What do you love most about being an engineer?
The process of understanding a client/owner’s goals and dreams, and helping it become a reality….seeing a project grow from infancy to the final product and watching people enjoy and use the space in the end. – Steve
I love finding efficient solutions to problems that’s backed up by math! – Michael
Being creative. – Mike
The opportunity to solve problems and make a difference. – Nick
The celebrity status, I know a lot of engineers get tired of it, you know with all the gossip and such but I actually welcome the busy schedule, well with all the interviews, and late show appearances, the amazing money and exotic locations I get to travel too…it’s really hard to complain. – Greg
I love that you can see your finished product being constructed. I like the interaction with people (both internal team members and clients) and helping them bring their projects to fruition. – Jennifer
What contributions do engineers make to society?
Engineers designed the infrastructure that makes everyday life possible. From water supplies, to sewage systems, roadways, the electrical power grid, and more – none of those modern conveniences would be possible without many engineers. – Michael
They provide practical solutions to everyday problems. – Mike
Too many to list….but a lot of it we all take for granted. Transportation, water and sewer are big ones off the top of my head. Have you ever heard the saying that “engineers save more lives than doctors”? Engineers do so with their proactive planning. – Steve
Well I think it’s safe to say that nobody really knows. personally I don’t even know why we need civil engineers….I think generally as a people we have all become pretty civil to one another. – Greg
We assist in shaping the world as we see it including advances in sustainability and responsible development. – Jennifer
Civil engineers use their professional knowledge and skills to aid in the advancement and betterment of human welfare. – Nick
What is it like to work with a civil engineer?
It is refreshing to interview civil engineers and hear the repeated stories about their passion for the profession, their pride in driving by built projects and pointing them out to their families…to be a part of building communities. Engineers are passionate about what they do! – Nancy